About Us



公司致力于打造一个集技术研发、创新、人才培养为一体的跨领域的多元化后期制作公司。“客户第一”,让客户在Flip得到更好的体验和满意的服务是我们一贯的坚持。除了给客户提供最专业的特效后期制作,最意想不到的视觉效果,Flip还会带给客户最独特的体验。 客户在 Flip 能享受着舒适的空间,如同在私人会所般的自在。另外,Flip 会以不同客户在观赏影片的需求来提供绝对私密的观影空间,并且我们根据项目的不同来订制最合适的工作流程。

FLIP was founded in Shanghai in 2016, one of the top visual post production companies. FLIP is a full service Post Production facility providing high quality visual effects for TVC, film, TV show, music video, as well as video games. All our users are highly experienced and well-known in the post-production industry.

Flip has over 500m² working area, with two online and two offline rooms, two general multimedia rooms and a color grading suite. In addition, we have a studio specialized for our CG team. Critically, Flip is the real definition of a one stop post production house.



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Flip is a young, innovative and creative company. We have talents coming from all over the world just for one common goal; make a Flip a better post-house. Our colleagues are extremely passionate and enthusiastic about their work and our senior supervisor is always here to push the youngster to its full potential. After the hectic workload, we encourage our people to gather around, have some drinks, and share their own unique experiences.